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LONDON OFFICE: 020 8534 6461

MAIDSTONE OFFICE: 07941 444 479

EMAIL: info@citywatchservices.com



Health and Safety Policy



This document sets out the Health & Safety arrangements we have established for Citywatch Security Services Limited.  We have adopted this policy and tailored it to represent our organisation.


The following is a description of the type of work Citywatch Security Services Limited   undertakes:

The provision of manned guarding, CCTV Public Space Surveillance


This document sets a base level of health & safety awareness, to which our organisation will develop and continuously improve health and safety knowledge, standards and performance.


PART 1 - General Statement of Policy


1.1        Citywatch Security Services Limited acknowledges and accepts its legal responsibilities for securing the health, safety and welfare of all its employees, of sub-contractors working on its behalf and all others affected by their activities.


1.2        Citywatch Security Services Limited recognises and accepts the general duties imposed as an employer under the Health and Safety at Work Act and subsequent health and safety regulations pertaining to its operations.


1.3          Citywatch Security Services Limited will do all that is reasonably practicable to provide and maintain:


  • Safe places of work
  • Safe methods and systems of work
  • Safe plant and equipment
  • Personal protective equipment relevant to working tasks
  • A safe and healthy working environment


1.5        Citywatch Security Services Limited will carry out a regular review of this policy to ensure that these standards of health and safety are maintained.


PART 2 – Organisation and Responsibilities


2.1 Head of Company

The head of Citywatch Security Services Limited has overall responsibility for health and safety in the Company, and will:

Ensure suitable financial provision is made for health & safety obligations

 Provide appropriate information and instruction to employees

Ensure work is planned to take into account health & safety issues

Ensure that staff at all levels receive appropriate training

Monitor and assess risk to health and safety

Understand Citywatch Security Services Limited policy for health and safety and ensure it is readily available for employees

Set a personal example when visiting site by wearing appropriate protective equipment

Actively promote at all levels the company’s commitment to effective health and safety management


2.2   Health and Safety Co-ordinator / Representative

Named person responsible for H&S: Lawrence Orakwue


The Health and Safety Co-ordinator / Representative will undertake and be responsible for:

  • Monitoring the implementation of the health and safety policy throughout Citywatch Security Services Limited and reviewing its appropriateness by regular safety audits/inspections carried out in various workplaces
  • Investigating accidents and implementing corrective action
  • Reviewing health and safety legislation and implementing any new requirements pertaining to the company’s undertaking
  • Liaising with managers, employees, sub-contractors and specialists as and when appropriate
  • Collating and reporting any accidents reportable under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (R.I.D.D.O.R.) 2013



2.3. Employees

Section 7 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 states the following:


It shall be the duty of every employee while at work -


(A) to take reasonable care for the health and safety of himself and of other persons who may be affected by his acts or omissions at work; and


(B) as regards any duty or requirement imposed on his employer or any other person by or under any of the relevant statutory provisions, to co-operate with him so far as is necessary to enable that duty or requirement to be performed or complied with.


In order for all employees to comply with their legal duties, they will undertake and be responsible for:

  • Reading and understanding the Company’s health and safety policy and carry out their work safely and in accordance with it requirements
  • Ensuring that all protective equipment provided under a legal requirement is properly used in relation to any instruction / training given and in accordance with this health and safety policy
  • Reporting any defects to work equipment immediately to the Site Supervisor or Health and Safety Co-ordinator
  • Reporting to the management any incidents, which have led or might lead to injury or damage
  • Reporting any accidents or near misses however minor to the Site Supervisor Health and Safety Co-ordinator
  • Using the correct tools and equipment for the job in hand and in accordance with training and instructions
  • Co-operating with any investigation, which may be undertaken with the objective of preventing reoccurrence of incidents


PART 3 – Arrangements


3.1 Communication

In order to meet the legal requirements of the Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations and the Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations, Citywatch Security Services Limited will communicate and consult with all employees on the following issues:

  • The content of this policy
  • Any rules specific to a site or job
  • Changes in legislation or working best practice
  • The planning of Health and Safety training
  • The introduction or alteration of new work equipment or technology


This communication and consultation will take place directly with the employees via regular Consultation meetings, tool-box talks,

e-mails and memo’s posted to site or on the Company Website.


3.2 Training

All employees are given training appropriate to their responsibilities in accordance with the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations. Training will be provided for the following situations:


  • Induction training for new employees (Health and safety awareness, company procedures etc)
  • The introduction or modification of new/existing machinery or technology
  • A change in employee position/work activity or responsibility

Training is also specifically provided for work with hazardous substances, use of PPE and manual handling. Any training provided by Citywatch Security Services Limited will be formally recorded with a hard copy kept on file.


A programme of refresher training will be undertaken to keep employees up to date with legislation and industry best practice.


3.3 Risk Assessments

The Health and Safety Co-ordinator / Representative will carry out and record formal risk assessments.  In addition risk assessments are carried out continuously by employees throughout their work.  Hazards are considered and work methods established to minimize the risk of injury to themselves and others affected by the work.  Where the employee does not have sufficient knowledge about a specific hazard, such as work in confined spaces, they will take further advice from the H&S Co-ordinator / Representative if required.  The head of Citywatch Security Services Limited ensures operators are provided with appropriate instruction and training on risk assessments.


3.4 Method Statements

Formal method statements (safe working procedures) will be prepared in writing where the risk is particularly high. The method statements will provide site specific information on the task to be undertaken including site set-up, chain of responsibility and will detail a clear sequence of work that would be followed in order to undertake the given task safely.


3.5 Co-operation with Clients

Employees will always familiarise themselves with client procedures when first attending site, in particular general site access, emergency procedures and high risk work activities including permit to work systems.  Clients site procedures and specific instructions will be followed at all times.


3.6   Welfare Facilities

Wherever possible, arrangements will be made with the Client and/or Principal Contractor for the use of welfare facilities at sites under their management. As a minimum the following requirements will be adhered to:

  • Toilet/washing facilities accessible on site
  • Eating/rest facilities accessible on site


3.7 Work Equipment

All work equipment (including Electrical equipment) used at work, as part of the Company’s undertaking will comply with the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (P.U.W.E.R.).


Before new equipment is introduced into the working environment, an assessment will be made by Lawrence Orakwue in order to ascertain that the equipment is suitable for its intended use.


No employee will use work equipment for which they have not received specific training.


No employee will knowingly misuse work equipment or remove any guards that are in place to minimise a specified risk.


All work equipment will be maintained and inspected at suitable intervals either internally by a competent person or by specialist external companies. The frequency of work equipment maintenance or inspection will be based on manufacturers guidance and industry best practice. Any maintenance / inspections undertaken on company equipment will be formally recorded with a hard copy left on file.


If any faults or damage are found on any equipment, stop using the work equipment and report the fault to your Site Supervisor.


3.8  Personal Protective Equipment (P.P.E.)

Appropriate personal protective equipment will be issued to employees as and when necessary for work activities.


Training will be provided for employees on the safe use, storage and maintenance of the relevant equipment before issue and a written record detailing what PPE has been issued will be signed by the employees on receipt of the equipment and the hard copy kept on file.


Employees have a legal duty to wear PPE as specified in relevant site rules, risk assessments and method statements.


Any defects or malfunction of PPE must be reported to the site Supervisor.


3.9  Hazardous Substances

The risks associated with hazardous substances are considered for all work activities.  Alternative less harmful substances are used wherever possible.  In case of risks to health, PPE is provided and used by employees, and health surveillance undertaken where necessary.


Before any hazardous substances are used during a work process, a material safety data sheet (MSDS) will be requested from the supplier and an appropriate assessment made of the risks from that substance undertaken by the Health and Safety Co-ordinator / Representative, in line with the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH).


An inventory of all substances and materials hazardous to health is held at head office.


3.10      First Aid & Accident Reporting

Adequate first aid provision will be made at every place of work occupied by the Company.


Each first aid box shall be suitably marked and be easily accessible to all employees at all times when they are at work.


The locations of first aid boxes can be found in the site specific assignment instructions.


Details of Qualified First Aiders / Appointed Persons can be found in the site specific assignment instructions.


On Project Sites – wherever possible arrangements are made with clients/principal contractors to use their first aid facilities.  Where this is not possible, a member of the project team will be nominated as the appointed person for first aid and a first aid box supplied, which will contain adequate supplies for the total number of employees on site.


All accidents MUST be reported to the Site Supervisor or Health and Safety Co-ordinator and the details recorded in the accident book. Serious accidents where hospital treatment is required must be reported to the Health and Safety Advisor as soon as possible after the incident.


Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (R.I.D.D.O.R.) 2013:


Certain accidents are reportable to the HSE’s Incident Contact Centre. The Health and Safety Co-ordinator must be notified as soon as practicable after incidents causing the following injuries:

  • any work related injury that leads to an employee being absent from work for more than 7 working days
  • fractures, other than to fingers, thumbs and toes
  • amputations
  • any injury likely to lead to permanent loss of sight or reduction in sight
  • any crush injury to the head or torso causing damage to the brain or internal organs
  • serious burns (including scalding) which:
    •  covers more than 10% of the body
    • causes significant damage to the eyes, respiratory system or other vital organs
  • any scalping requiring hospital treatment
  • any loss of consciousness caused by head injury or asphyxia
  • any other injury arising from working in an enclosed space which:
  • leads to hypothermia or heat-induced illness
  • requires resuscitation or admittance to hospital for more than 24 hours
  • All accidents / incidents will be investigated by senior management and any action taken as a result of an investigation will be formally recorded.


3.11 Manual Handling

Manual handling risks are considered prior to each work activity. The method of work is adapted to minimise manual handling risks wherever possible, including use of alternative lifting and carrying methods. Our employees are advised not to manually handle loads which they feel incapable of moving safely.


3.12  Fire Safety & Emergency Procedures

It is the Company’s policy to take account of fire hazards in the workplace. All employees have a duty to conduct their operations in such a way as to minimize the risk of fire. This involves compliance with the Company’s no smoking policy, keeping combustible materials separate from sources of ignition and avoiding unnecessary accumulation of combustible materials.


Site Supervisors are responsible for keeping their operating areas safe from fire, ensuring that their staffs are trained in proper fire prevention practices and emergency procedures.


The person with responsibility for the maintenance and testing of fire alarms and fire fighting equipment is specified in the site specific assignment instructions.


In the event of the fire alarm being activated, or in any other emergency situation (e.g. bomb scare), all employees must leave the building by the nearest available exit and assemble at the designated assembly point.


3.13 Sub-Contractors

We currently do not use any sub contractors on any of our assignments.


3.14 Public safety

The safety of members of the public and other contractors is considered at all times whilst on site. Any work area that could place others at risk due to the Company’s activities will be closed off by appropriate means (e.g. safety signage, bollards, tape, hoarding) in order to restrict access.


3.15 Smoking

As a workplace there is a legal responsibility to provide a safe work environment and this includes the ability to breathe air which is free from tobacco at all times.


In an effort to consider the concerns of non-smokers and to provide a more healthy and comfortable working environment, the health and safety recommendation is that employees have a duty to protect non-smoking employees from passive smoking.






Lawrence Orakwue

(Operations & Compliance) May 2019

See also:

Equal Opportunity Policy

Environmental Policy

24/7 Control Room: 084 4809 9592

London Office: 020 8534 6461

Maidstone Office: 07941 444 479

Email: info@citywatchservices.com

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